Intergenerational Living

Intergenerational Living

Intergenerational practice is for everyone, and Vincentian is proud to be a catalyst for change in how senior living, senior care, childcare, college life, and everything and everyone in between reimagines community and recognizes the value of bringing people together across generations. All people have something to give and receive no matter their life stage.

Students in Residence

At Schenley Gardens, college students live among older adults rent-free, in exchange for spending time with the residents. Students are selected from a large pool of applicants, and must maintain good standing with the university and a 2.5 GPA or higher. Learn more about the program from CBS News.


Why It Matters

Every individual has strengths, capabilities, and worthwhile contributions – regardless of age, physical challenges, or vulnerabilities, and that all people naturally derive value from human connection Empirical evidence about the prevalence and effects of loneliness and social isolation have stacked up in recent years.


By recognizing the innate need for connection while also focusing on each individual’s strengths, resilience, and interconnection instead of deficits and dissimilarity, it is possible to shape a new type of community. Empowering individuals to contribute to their own and others wellbeing, to recognize and celebrate what each individual has to contribute and add value, is an evolved vision of care and an antidote to the loneliness epidemic. People are not viewed as disempowered individuals who simply receive care, but as active and vibrant participants and givers in their own right.