Our Programs

School-Age Care

Our Programs

Since young children learn through experiencing their world, the children are provided plenty of free play opportunities in addition to planned, teacher-facilitated activities. The classrooms are all equipped with developmentally appropriate toys that will help them to develop skills.



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For our children six weeks old to 12 months old, staff strives to provide a nurturing and educational environment in addition to meeting the basic needs of each child. Weekly lesson plans are written to meet the specific developmental needs of each child and also general experiences for the age group. Individual and small group activities are provided daily. The teacher to child ratio for infants is 1:4.



For our children 12 months to 36 months, the classrooms are comprised of young toddler (12 months to 24 months), and older toddler (24 months to 36 months). Young Toddler classrooms have a schedule of activities and routines but is flexible based on the needs of the group. The schedules include mealtimes, diaper changing, naptime, and periods for both planned activities and free play. Older Toddler classrooms have more structure than the younger classrooms as children’s attention spans increase and they are better able to engage. The teacher to child ratio for younger toddlers is 1:5; the ratio for older toddlers is 1:6.



For our children 3 years through 5 years, preschool classrooms have clearly defined interest areas for the children to freely engage in activities at different periods throughout the day. The interest areas are part of the learning environment and are designed and modified to develop common and specific skills. Preschool teachers plan experiences that are based on the needs and interests of the children. The preschool teachers strive to prepare children for kindergarten. The teacher to child ratio for preschool children is 1:10.

School Care

School Care

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Vincentian Child Discovery Center McCandless offers flexible before-and-after school care for children from kindergarten to fourth grade. Programming includes art, reading, technology, homework help, and, most of all, FUN. Our flexible monthly tuition rates are designed to fit into your school-week routine, with full and part-time options.

Summer Discover

Summer Discover

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 VCDC McCandless


June 9, 2025-August 15, 2025

(10-Week Program)


Full day summer camp for children in Kindergarten through 4th grade. Our summer program is designed to engage children in weekly themes to include both indoor and outdoor activities. Flexible 5- and 10-week tuition options help parents plan around summer vacations and activities. For more information call us at 412.366.8588.


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"I am so grateful for the compassionate care that my kids receive at the Discovery Center. The teachers are kind and caring"

VCDC Parent

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